29 August 2007

Towards an understanding of intelligence

For this discussion, intelligence is limited to the scope of biological intelligence as found in carbon-based life forms. This type of intelligence is found in nature of which human beings are very good specimens. This type of intelligence is what people normally have in mind when they talk about intelligence. A standard dictionary of the English language, [126 ], defines "intelligence" as:
  1. Intelligence is the quality of being intelligent or clever.
  2. Intelligence is the ability to think, reason, and understand instead of doing things automatically or by instinct.
The word "intelligent" is defined by [126] as:
  • A person or animal that is intelligent has the ability to think, understand and learn things quickly and well.
In [126 ], "clever" is defined as:
  • Someone who is clever is intelligent and able to understand things easily or plan things well.
From the above definitions, intelligence is the ability to think, understand, learn and plan things quickly and well instead of doing things automatically or by instinct. Based on Boole's classic work [11 ], the abilities to reason and think are combined.

[11] G. Boole, The Laws of Thought. Cambridge: MacMillen, 1854.
[126] J. Sinclair, Ed., Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's Dictionary, English Dictionary. Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, 2003

    28 August 2007

    The RealNeuron is a mathematical model from the viewpoint of an engineer that is based on the biological neurons’ currently-known information-processing processes and structures. It is a carefully reduced model that retains the essential features of more complex models. It is computationally efficient and only adds or subtracts ion concentrations based on the states at a membrane structure’s level. Its formulation makes it possible to optimise it.

    Summary of RealNeuron

    Results of eye-blink RealNeuron circuit

    (c) 2006 Louwrence D Erasmus

    Example of a RealNeuron circuit

    (c) 2006 Louwrence D Erasmus

    Here is an example of a RealNeuron circuit based on the description of the eye-blink circuit of a rabbit given by R. Menzel, Neuronale Plastizitaet, Lernen und Gedaechtnis. Neurowissenschaft Vom Molekuel zur Kognition. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp. 485 - 518