03 October 2005


This blog describes an exercise in complex systems modelling and simulation implementation. The information published in this blog is copyrighted by Louwrence D Erasmus and forms part of my Ph.D. studies at the Nortwest University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa.

Biological brains are one of the most complex systems known to exists in the universe. They are whole universes in themselves. The topic of brain modelling and building of machines that act as if they have brains, is a fascinating topic of study for centuries. The fact that biological brains try to model themselves through the centuries is another interesting philosophical study and outside the scope of this thesis.

The emphasis is on the modelling of the fundamental electro-chemical building blocks of intelligence as observed in nature. The ways how these building blocks interact in complex structures to achieve intelligent processing units, are also investigated.

In the end, a theory or model is useless if not applied. In engineering, theories or models are implemented to solve problems. The implementation of the model derived in this thesis is in a simulator that could be used in the design of products.


Anonymous said...

Where is the rest?

Clement Nthambazale Nyirenda. said...

Nice to see your blog.All the best for your PhD!!!